Ultrasound-Guided Breast Biopsy

A breast biopsy may be ordered if you or your doctor find a suspicious area in your breast. During a breast biopsy, tissues or sometimes fluid from the suspicious area are removed, and then examined under a microscope to check for the presence of cancer. A biopsy is the only diagnostic procedure that determines if the suspicious area is cancerous.

An ultrasound-guided breast biopsy uses ultrasound to locate breast abnormalities and guide the radiologist in taking tissue samples that are checked for cancer. The exam is less invasive than surgical biopsy.

What should I expect?

You will be asked to lie down on the exam table and clear sterile gel is applied to the area being examined. The radiologist will place an ultrasound probe over the breast and using local anesthesia (medication to make the area numb), will guide the biopsy needle directly into the suspicious area. Tissue samples are taken, and a tissue marker is placed using a hand-held device. The sample is then sent to a lab to be checked for cancer.

What should I expect after the procedure?

After the biopsy, you will have a mammogram to make sure the tissue marker is in the right place. Before leaving the office, you will be given instructions for biopsy aftercare that are specific to your individual needs. Your breast should heal quickly, but some bruising of the breast is normal. It is important that you do not participate in any heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, exercising, etc. for 24 hours after your procedure to limit your risk for bleeding and complications. You may return to normal activities the following day after your procedure.

How will I find out the results of my exam?

We understand the anxiety you may have while awaiting your results and will do our best to get the results to your doctor as soon as possible. Pathology results are typically back within 3-5 business days. Our office will forward the results to your doctor so they can go over the results with you directly and discuss any additional steps that may be needed. If you have not been informed of your biopsy results within 2 weeks call your doctor or our office at 919-734-1866.